Please note that our new order cut-off time for next day delivery is 3.30pm.

Free Check-Ups

We already offer every member of staff at Mila a free annual flu jab but this year, we’re going one step further and offering a free medical health check as well.

Anyone can book a slot on one of two days coming up in May and June and see a qualified professional here at Mila for a mini health MOT. It’s completely free, completely voluntary and of course completely confidential.

These are the kinds of check-ups that are getting squeezed out of the NHS post-Covid, while there is so much pressure on capacity and waiting lists, so we’re trying to fill that gap as much as we can for our team.

It’s another example, I think, of how much we value everyone here. Obviously, it’s in our commercial interests to minimise staff sickness and absence, but it’s also about making sure anyone who might have missed out on a vital NHS check-up or who just thinks it’s about time they checked their blood pressure can access that at work, without even having to take time off!


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